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Where is the next property deal? Where should landlords look to find their next best buy?

The property market is an ever-changing arena and investing in property can seem daunting to the beginner. However, even established investor-landlords can from time-to-time benefit from a rethink of strategy or some ‘inspiration’ to find their next deal. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Perhaps a tried and tested strategy is not working effectively anymore, or personal investment requirements have changed? Productive ‘contacts’ in your network may have moved on and your source of leads dried up? Often, the market has simply ‘changed’ and the numbers no longer stack up. All this can lead to ‘investor fatigue’, lack of motivation and lack of inspiration.

Property prices have recently risen dramatically, and many landlords are taking the decision to sell up into the owner occupier market to capitalize on buoyant prices; further incentivized by the increasing legislation in the sector.

For the canny, established investor-landlord looking to increase rather than decrease their portfolio, who is perhaps also looking to reach ‘critical mass’ and professionalise their business, this could present an opportunity.

Going against the masses has always been popular in many fields of investment; being ‘greedy when others are fearful’ and all that. Many landlords who are currently selling, are not only interested in getting a good price. Some, want to deal with another investor who is established and can raise the necessary finances to buy whole portfolios. Many are retiring and want an ‘easy’ transaction, with certainty. Others still, are concerned about their tenants and want certainty for them and passing the property on to another landlord who actually wants a tenanted property. It is tenanted properties in particular, that we feel represents the best buying opportunity for existing landlords at present.

Having bought many of these types of units over the last two years, our sister company The Property Lifeboat, is currently working with agents, sourcers and individual landlords to identify potential acquisitions. So, if you are a landlord who is looking to sell your rental property then please get in touch by phone on 01233 800999 or by email