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How to Rent Guide new version coming soon

Following recent changes to legislation, The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DHLUC) is expected to issue an updated version of the renter’s “How to Rent” guide in the coming months. This is an important document, because it is one of the ‘prescribed documents’ that must be issued to tenants at the commencement of their tenancy, and on renewals, in England.

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Government Launches ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper

The government has recently issued its much anticipated ‘Levelling Up’ white paper. The package includes twelve target areas, which will be focused on over the next ten years to improve equality in Britain. One are of measures includes housing and within this proposes the abolition of the Sec 21 route to landlords gaining possession of their properties (so called ’no fault’ eviction). In additional a new ‘Decent Homes Standard’ has been proposed together with a focus on tackling rogue landlords.

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