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Landlords looking to agents amid complexity of Private Rented Sector 

A recent survey of over 2000 private landlords by USwitch, has indicated that the majority of private landlords would consider switching to a letting agency, largely because of the current complexity of buy to let; with agents’ knowledge of the sector being cited as one of the biggest reasons for switching.

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Top Judge tells tribunal to go easier on landlords who rely on agents

Legislation associated with letting property – and in particular HMOs – is becoming increasingly burdensome. So, it is welcome news to hear that there is a possibility that HMO landlords whose property is of a high standard, but make genuine errors with regards to some rules and regulations, may be treated with leniency.

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End of Furlough: Impact on Landlords and Letting’s Agencies?

This scheme will close on the 30th September. Will this mean tenants’ income dropping and rent arrears growing?

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (commonly referred to as the Furlough scheme) has been a hugely successful and critical lifeline for companies and employees during the pandemic since its introduction in late April 2020.

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