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How to Rent Guide new version coming soon

Following recent changes to legislation, The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DHLUC) is expected to issue an updated version of the renter’s “How to Rent” guide in the coming months. This is an important document, because it is one of the ‘prescribed documents’ that must be issued to tenants at the commencement of their tenancy, and on renewals, in England.

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Companies Act 2006, Section 44, Court of Appeal Decision: Ruling in Favour of Landlord.

Those landlords in the know, will be aware of the long running court case: Northwood Solihull v Fearn and Others. In short, the essence of the case hinged on the definition of certain lettings documents (Sec 8 notice, and Prescribed Information), whether they were deemed to be ‘executable’ company documents, which determined how they should be signed according to the companies act.

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What to do if your tenant isn’t paying the rent.

It is the situation that gives landlords the most sleepless nights: a tenant can’t pay, refuses to pay or simply chooses not to pay all or some of the rent, either temporarily or permanently. This is often – although not always – coupled with increased communication issues, or maybe not being able to get hold of the tenant at all. This very much compounds the level of stress for the landlord.

So what can be done when a tenant falls into arrears and how should a landlord approach the situation?

Here are some of the key steps you must take.

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