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Rental property listings will require additional details by 31st May

Trading Standards and the government have jointly announced compulsory new data which must appear on property listings.

From 31st May this year, a property’s council tax band or rate (for lettings and sales) and the property price and tenure information (for sales) must be included on all property listings. This applies to individual landlords advertising their properties to let as well as those advertised by lettings agents.

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Government Launches ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper

The government has recently issued its much anticipated ‘Levelling Up’ white paper. The package includes twelve target areas, which will be focused on over the next ten years to improve equality in Britain. One are of measures includes housing and within this proposes the abolition of the Sec 21 route to landlords gaining possession of their properties (so called ’no fault’ eviction). In additional a new ‘Decent Homes Standard’ has been proposed together with a focus on tackling rogue landlords.

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Companies Act 2006, Section 44, Court of Appeal Decision: Ruling in Favour of Landlord.

Those landlords in the know, will be aware of the long running court case: Northwood Solihull v Fearn and Others. In short, the essence of the case hinged on the definition of certain lettings documents (Sec 8 notice, and Prescribed Information), whether they were deemed to be ‘executable’ company documents, which determined how they should be signed according to the companies act.

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