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Landlords having to deal with shortfall between their housing benefit and their monthly rents

A new survey by the NRLA, indicates that more than half – 57% – of private renting households in Britain in receipt of benefits – that’s some 820,000 private rented households – routinely experience a shortfall between their housing benefit and their monthly rents.

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Pause for thought: Risks in Using A ‘Guaranteed Rent’ Arrangement

So called ‘Rent-to-Rent’ schemes are an attractive property strategy for both existing and new property investors for different reasons. For existing investors, who may have been hands on landlords and now perhaps want to take a bit more of a back seat, the promise of a guaranteed rent and a totally hands off approach can be very attractive.

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Legislation Update

As with every year, the recent Queen’s Speech set out the government’s agenda for the next parliamentary session. This included outlining its plans to grow the economy and cut the cost of living, among other initiatives.

Traditionally, this has also been an opportunity for the government to update the property sector on the status of existing legislation and proposals for new legislation. The only deviation from tradition was that this year it was delivered by Prince Charles!

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You do not have to use the estate agent you bought your rental property from to manage it.

When you buy a new property to let, it can seem a good idea to keep the management with the estate agent you just bought it from but, have you considered that they might not really be set up as a lettings agency and are actually mostly sales driven? If the property was managed by another lettings agency before the sale, shouldn’t you check them out first?

Continue reading You do not have to use the estate agent you bought your rental property from to manage it.