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Private Rented Sector White Paper Explained

More detail on the long-awaited Renters Reform Bill has recently been announced by the government in a white paper entitled ‘A Fairer Private Rented Sector’. Issued by the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities, the full proposal issued on the .GOV site, is a huge document covering a range of proposals. Read on to find a summary of the main points:

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How to make sure HMO tenants do their share of housework

How to make sure HMO tenants do their share of housework

Cleaning in HMOs is often a difficult area to get right, mainly because there are many different scenarios in terms of house layout and tenant make up. A one size fits all approach on the part of the landlord and/or managing agent, is rarely applicable. As always, effectiveness of cleaning will come down to individuals and their attitudes (including the landlord), what they actually undertake, how well it is done and how regularly.

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