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Swapping Letting Agents is Easier Than You Think.

Whether it be that you are not happy with the service, or costs have started to escalate or you just want to try another provider, moving letting agents doesn’t need to be a headache.

Firstly, you are perfectly within your rights legally to change your letting agent. However, bear in mind that you will have signed a contract for them to manage your rental property and this contract will likely have a fixed duration – which is normally based around the length of any tenancy that has been arranged. They will also have a ‘break clause’, which details how much notice needs to be given by either party to end the contract.

So, check your contract. Give notice in writing according to the terms of the contract and keep copies of any correspondence.

Finally, any change in management should not have any impact on your tenants. You are legally entitled to receive copies of all relevant paperwork to enable the property to continue to be managed by the new agent. Most agents will support this process and pass on the paperwork willingly to the new agent. The new agent will then serve the necessary paperwork on your tenant to inform them that a change of managing agent has taken place.

If you are considering changing the agent that manages your HMO or single let, you can have a look at our services in more details here, then get in touch with us at Lifeboat Lettings on 01233 802803 or email us at