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Should an HMO tenant have contents insurance?

The provision of Landlord insurance is a well-covered topic and most Landlords are aware that they should insure their rental property. If they have a loan on the property – be it and HMO or Buy to Let – then the lender themselves will insist upon this.

However, the issue of contents insurance is less understood and is sometimes an area where both Landlords and Tenants can get caught out. Insurance is obviously a personal thing, and there is no legislation to say that Landlords should insure their belongings in a rental property. Most will however, and Landlords are advised to make sure that any items they provide with the property are properly insured. In an HMO, this will include fixtures and fittings that do not make up the fabric of the property.

What about tenants however?

The first thing to note is that in an HMO, none of the tenants’ belongings – whether they be kept in their own room or be elsewhere in the property – will be covered under the Landlord’s contents insurance. So, again, it is a personal choice, but tenants are advised to get their own insurance policy. There are a number of providers of ‘renters insurance’ policies. If you are looking for content insurance provider, click the button below to take you through to Vouch which Lifeboat Lettings recommends.