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Security in Rental Properties

security in rental properties

The summer months are upon us and our attention turns to holidays. Whether you are an owner occupier or renter, with so many people being away from their properties this is an ideal time for thieves. Here are some tips how you – with your landlord’s help – can secure your home and your belongings.

  • Ask your landlord to install locks on any first floor windows.
  • Ask for a new lock on the front door.
  • Get a dog (if permitted by your landlord).
  • Install a streaming camera.
  • Don’t let anyone in who you don’t know or aren’t expecting.
  • Install outdoor lights (particularly at the rear of the property).
  • Make it look like you have more security than you really do using dummy alarm boxes, CCTV etc.
  • Out for the night? Give the illusion that you’re home using timed lights.
  • Get renter’s insurance.
  • Notify your landlord or letting agent if you plan on going on holiday.