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Richard Poynter: Staff Profile

Richard Poynter staff profile

Introducing our staff to you.

Next up in our series of staff profiles is Director and Co-Founder, Richard Poynter.

Lifeboat Lettings Staff Profile: Richard Poynter

Position: Director / Co-Founder

Time With Company: 2 years

Time in Industry: 7 years

Previous Experience: 7 years as a full time property investor and entrepreneur. Co-founder of The Property Lifeboat in 2013. 20 years experience as a part time investor and landlord. 15 years corporate experience in product development in the Pharmaceutical industry.

Areas of Expertise: Property management, HMO conversions, property refurbishment, renovation and development. Project management.

Other Skills: Property investing and finance. Business development and marketing.

Professional Bodies: Covered under corporate membership of ARLA Propertymark and the National Landlords Association (NLA)

Soundbite: “We pride ourselves on the fact that we are active property investors, developers and landlords ourselves. As such we are uniquely positioned to understand what it is like to be a landlord investor in the UK today and to provide the service that landlords need and expect from a lettings agent.”