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Overview of 2023 for Lifeboat Lettings

Hello, it’s Richard, Director of Operations at Lifeboat Lettings, wishing an early Merry Christmas to all our readers! Thank you for sticking with us through the year. We really appreciate your support and hope you have found the newsletter useful.

As the year draws to a close, it is traditional – and therapeutic – to reflect on what has occurred and what we have learnt along the way.

For Lifeboat Lettings it has been a very busy and successful year but not without its challenges.

A Year in Review

The biggest challenge by far, has been the background environment in the Private Rented Sector and the impact of the Renters Reform Bill; with various announcements throughout the year. As investors ourselves and operators of a lettings agency, we have navigated the challenges posed by the Renters Reform Bill, all while collaborating with our managed landlords to help them mitigate its impact on their businesses. This has been compounded by the cost-of-living crisis leading to rising costs for landlords.

Supporting this effort, we have continued our role as lettings expert at Kent PIN networking meeting and this – coupled with our regular newsletter – has enabled us to help and advise a far larger number of landlords than we would otherwise have been able to. We have enjoyed our many discussions, so please keep coming to us for advice and we will endeavour to help where we can!

Lifeboat Lettings Beyond Property

Outside the property sphere specifically, we have continued to reach out into the local community. This year we sponsored our local Pilgrims Hospice and have started supporting a local youth football team – Park Farm Rangers – who are sporting a new strip courtesy of our funding.

Enhancing Customer Experience

In all our operations we have been striving for ‘continuous improvement’ and have been aiming to improve our customer service efficiency in as many areas as possible. We continue to receive many glowing reviews from satisfied customers (thank you for these).

Lifeboat Maintenance Takes Sail

On the business side of things, Lifeboat Lettings continues to operate throughout Kent and has continued to go from strength to strength; taking on new landlords and seeing many of our existing landlords (including ourselves!) increasing the size of their portfolios with various acquisitions and new projects.

We have also launched a number of new products and business ventures. The most notable of these is Lifeboat Maintenance: our own in-house maintenance company that serves our managed landlords as well as providing a ‘handyman service’ to property owners throughout the county.

Team Dynamics, Nurturing Change and Skill Development

On the people side of things, in our team we have had some changes and additions, welcoming one new member to the team early in the year (Kristina, our Accounts Manager). Others have continued development in their roles, with Mayla having completed a mentorship with Zoe Cairns (social media) and Erin having changed her role from Administration to Lettings Negotiator. The directors also completed a business coaching course funded by Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce. The team continues to develop and expand and we are currently recruiting another Property Manager. In the summer we had a team BBQ (which may become a tradition) and we’ll soon be celebrating Christmas together with the office Christmas dinner in Canterbury.

Anticipating Growth and Resilience in 2024

Despite the turmoil in the sector, we are optimistic for the future and have further plans for expansion in 2024. Aside from taking on new staff, we will be developing new collaborations and networking opportunities – so watch this space! However, one thing won’t be changing – we will continue – for the time being – to operate from our central offices near Ashford in Kent. While you won’t find us setting up shop on a high street near you anytime soon, keep an eye out for an ever-growing number of our boards scattered across Kent – proof of our steadfast commitment to serving landlords throughout the county. As I write this, every single one of our boards is actually out and up somewhere in Kent.

In Conclusion

Your continued trust and feedback have been invaluable to us. We encourage you to reach out, share your thoughts, and explore how we can further enhance your experience with Lifeboat Lettings.

Here’s to a prosperous 2024, filled with growth, community impact, and successful partnerships. Thank you for being part of the Lifeboat Lettings journey.

Do you have a question or suggestion? We want to hear from you! Reach out to us through our website or social media channels. Let’s navigate the future together and make 2024 a year of shared success.

Follow us on social media for updates, collaborations, and valuable insights into the property sector. Your feedback fuels our continuous improvement, and we look forward to serving you even better in the coming year.

Wishing you a joyful festive season and a Happy New Year from all of us at Lifeboat Lettings!

At Lifeboat Lettings we will always help and advise landlords and assist where we can.

If you would like some help with any of the subjects covered above or anything else relating to properties or lettings, please email