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Guidance on viewings and move-ins during tier three

‘Tenant’s safety’ is a top priority for the Lifeboat Lettings team, which is why we’re adding to our previous article on viewings during the first lockdown. Firstly, to offer guidance on viewings during and move-ins during tier three. Secondly, to assure our future tenants that we’re still working in line with government advice now that we’ve entered tier three.


As most of you will be aware Kent is now in tier three which if you’re still unsure we’ve linked to a brief outline of the rules on the government website. Fortunately, we’re still able to operate but here is a small reminder of how we’re running things.

  1. We are carrying out staggered, non-contact viewings to eligible prospective tenants following the safe working practice by the government. This includes wearing full PPE, and cleaning surfaces between viewings.
  2. We’re adhering to the two-metre rule and socially distancing from all applicants who come to view our properties in the interest of keeping everyone as safe as we can.
  3. We are still able to offer virtual viewings if you feel more comfortable that way.
  4. Before a viewing is arranged you will be asked about your health and if anything is of concern, we will offer a virtual viewing instead.
  5. Finally, a viewing in person or virtually will only be offered once applicants are fully qualified and we are satisfied you are a good fit, and it is safe to do so.

Moving in

Currently, there are not any restrictions that mean we cannot operate our full service. Which means that we’re still able to complete move-ins in both single lets and shared accommodation

Friendly reminder

If you have a viewing or move in booked and you begin to feel unwell or show any of the common symptoms of the covid-19 virus, then please call us to arrange an alternative solution. We’re here to help and would like to have the chance to support you if things change your end.

Further to this if you would like to talk to us to clarify anything that is discussed above please feel free to contact us.